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Principal Level Designer, Ascendant Studios

Immortals of Aveum is a first person "magic shooter." It features fast-paced, intense combat, but instead of shooting guns you sling spells from your hands. It is a narrative-driven game with a deep story and high-quality cinematics. As a principal level designer my time was split between scripting narrative missions, setting up and tuning exciting combat encounters, and mentoring other designers.

Seren - "Streetwise"

"Streetwise" is the prologue mission that takes place in Seren. It's a shanty town that is suspended under a massive bridge that hangs over the Wound - an endless void where anything that falls into it vanishes without a trace. You're introduced to the protagonist Jak, his best friend Luna, and their orphan family. It's a very narrative-heavy mission, so the bulk of my work was setting up "walk & talks" and NPC interactions, navigation, triggering cinematics, and scripting events while maintaining the health of the level throughout development.

Pale Forest - "The Hand of Sandrakk"

In chapter 6 you go to the Pale Forest level for "The Hand of Sandrakk" mission. You're tasked with finding out what the Hand is up to at the Leyline tower that is supposedly dormant. At this point in the game the combat starts to pick up in intensity so I had a lot of fun with the encounters. I did the level layout work, combat encounters, some of the puzzles, and scripted the construct buddy that opens gates and helps out in battle.

Echollector DLC - Shatterfanes

The Echollector DLC came out three months after Immortals of Aveum was released. It included four new challenges as end-game content called Shatterfanes. There's three challenging combat adventures, followed by the boss fight as the fourth. I was the owner of the Wild Fane, and helped with the Dominator Fane.

Horde Fane

Shroudfanes are optional challenges that can be found in portals throughout the game. They test the player's skills with combat, agility, and puzzle solving. I made the Horde Fane which can be found near the end of the game. It's an exciting battle against waves of elites grouped up in color families. To succeed a player must adapt to each wave.

Labyrinth Fane

I had fun with the Labyrinth Fane. You navigate the confusing corridors while a Guruk patrols and stalks you. It's the Minotaur in a labyrinth idea. At the end of the labyrinth you have a big fight with the Exalted Leylodon while a bunch of pesky Veki swam you.

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