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Lead Game Designer, Archiact

Lead design on Evasion - an intense sci-fi, bullet-hell shooter in VR released in October, 2018 for Sony PSVR, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift. 

  • Designed the core gameplay and championed the vision

  • Managed a small team of designers and made creative calls for the whole team

  • Pitched the game to publishers and hosted demos, which resulted in funding partnerships with Sony and Intel

  • Hands-on work included level designs, mission and encounter scripting, enemy designs, player classes, player weapons, and narrative design.

Evasion Launch Trailer

PS VR Announce Trailer

E3 2018 Reactions

Ben Plays VR - 2 Minute Review

Grim Catnip and Wonder Rob Play Mission 5: Clear The Air

Grim Catnip and Wonder Rob Play Mission 7: Infiltrate Crater Town

Everything Vive Podcast - Interview With Ian Rooke

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